Thursday, April 14, 2011

B2ST's Junhyung's Tweets

B2ST's rapper Yong Junhyung tweeted this message today:

"나쁜꿈을 꾸면 하루가 찝찝한데... 마침 날씨도 별로네..."
"When I have a bad dream, I feel a bit awkward and anxious... Even the weather is so-so....."

Awwww...bad dreams are never fun...

He then proceeded to tweet about 30 minutes later:

"꿈은 반대라고 하시는 분들이 많네요 정말 반대라면 이 이상 좋을게 없는데... 걱정시킬려고했던거 아닌데 다들 미안하고 고마워요 좋은하루되세요"
"There are a lot of people who are telling me that dreams are always the opposite. If dreams are the opposite, there is nothing better than that...I didn't mean to worry anyone, I'm sorry to all of you and thank you, have a great day"

He's so sweet =]

source: Junhyung's twitter @Joker891219

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